Trying New Things


I've recently published a quick update that new content is coming shortly,

I'm currently working on elements of gameplay such as simple puzzles, environmental text, clickable objects, different environments and new enemies.  DaggerToss is a sandbox for me to practise my skills and as it's the first game I have ever made, the scope is purposely narrow. I'm working to create a finished, playable game.  That's the only  goal I have set for myself and I'm optimistic that I will accomplish that!

I'm learning so much about C# and creating the vast majority of assets you'll see by myself. The two exceptions to this are the sounds, which I am sourcing from, and the tilemaps for the level backgrounds, source from the Itch asset store (for free).
Everything else is drawn or created or written by me. 

I am always always ALWAYS open to feedback, positive or negative, so please feel free to let me know if DaggerToss sucks, or if you like it.

As always, thanks for reading and thank you for playing.

-Magic -

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